We arrived at the airport where we met our wonderful native coordinator, and she took us to our apartment. We all got situated, and ate some delicious food that was already prepared for us. I already love rice and beans, so this is a good fit for me.
The first night that we got here was great! We met a bunch of our neighbour kids and we played with them for hours, giving them piggy back rides, racing, and dancing with them. They are all SO cute.

» Flying into the DR, and hanging out with our neighbours «
The first week was mostly just training meetings, getting lesson plans prepared, getting to know our neighbourhood a little bit, and visiting our schools. ..With a couple of trips to the beach ;) But the second week was harder. We started teaching.
The kids are adorable and love you outside of class, but they can be a nightmare during school. An absolute nightmare. Each day has been getting better though, so I'm excited for the day when It's all just a routine.

» Lesson planing, and our little beach «
It was actually a holiday here this weekend, so we all got to take our first vacation! We all chose to go to SamanĂ¡. There is a lot of tourists there, so naturally we checked out the markets and had some fun bartering. It poured cats and dogs the first day we were there. And of course I forgot to bring my rain jacket.

» Paintings at the market, walking on SamanĂ¡’s Bridge to Nowhere «
The next day we tried to find a guagua to take us to the beach, but instead had somebody drive the 16 of us in his little pick-up truck. We had 5 in the truck and 11 of us in the box. It was a little scary because we were afraid that we weren't going to make it up the hills. The exhaust turned black and we went about 10 km/hr. Our driver also stopped on the side of the road to buy us all mangos from a lady that was selling them in front of her house ..I've never eaten a mango until I got here, and I don't know what took me so long! Maybe my new favourite fruit? All in all it was a good taxi ride!

» These are pictures of our ride in our “guagua” and the black smoke that kept coming every time we went up a hill. «
La Playita was the beach we went to, and I have never seen white sand, or such blue water. It was the stereotypical postcard picture. I tried snorkelling for the first time, saw some sand dollars, and caught a conch! After, there was a little boy who caught a pufferfish and let us take turns holding it!
» Panorama of La Playita beach, and the puffer fish!! «
We spent most of the next day whale watching. Most everyone got sea sick, but I feel like I could have stayed out there all day! We saw a couple whales or "ballenas", and they were massive! It was hard to get a picture of them though. When we were finished, we stopped on "El Cayo Levantado" for lunch. There was a little band that played music for us while we were eating. So I have to admit that It was nice to see the touristy side of the island. But for now I'm glad to be back in my bunk bed in my little village.

» whale beside the other boat «
We had such a fun time on this adventure I am excited to see what comes next!